[c#} Combining if statements

Hi there,
I’m newbie scripting and I want to draw lines (or thin cylinders) to connect the nodes represented in this code.

Let me explain a bit how it works:
Given an certain atlas, this function calls some nodes from a specific label and plots them in an “empty universe”. I’m trying to connect them by colored lines assigned to each label.

I mean, for example, if I create nodes from the labels 1, 2, 3 and 4, I want to connect the nodes having the same starting point or ending point.

Here is the code:

foreach (Transform location in subregion)
    foreach (atlasRegionSubregionLocation node in connectomeModel.NodesGlobalIndexer.Values)
        if(location.name == node.globalIndex.ToString())
            GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            sphere.transform.position = location.position;
            MeshRenderer currentSubRegionRenderer = sphere.GetComponent ("MeshRenderer") as MeshRenderer;	
            Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
            Color color; 
            if (node.regionRef.label == "lateralorbitofrontal")
                color = new Color (1,0,0);
                color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            material.color = color;
            currentSubRegionRenderer.material = material;

            // how to add another if statement to create a Primitive as a
            // cylinder (or a simple line) and render it if its in the same
            // label or Index than the node??

// Berenger : I don't know what are those, you must have forgot
// the beginning of your code.	
/*        }
    RENDER = true;

thanks in advance for any help

well, I have this part of code that creates a polyhedron to connect btw locations, the thing is how to merge them?

	// nodes
			foreach (Transform location in subregion)
					int nodeindex = System.Convert.ToInt16(location.gameObject.name);
					atlasRegionSubregionLocation currentNode  = connectomeModel.NodesGlobalIndexer[nodeindex] as atlasRegionSubregionLocation;
					int edgeinstanceIndex = 0; 
					foreach (int edgeIndex in currentNode.EdgeTo)
						ConnectomeModel.Edge currentEdge = connectomeModel.Edges[edgeIndex];
						// Look for gameobjects representing edges
						Vector3 fromCoord = (GameObject.Find(currentEdge.NodeFrom.ToString())).transform.position;
						// transform to local region
						fromCoord = fromCoord - subregion.transform.position;
						Vector3 toCoord =  (GameObject.Find(currentEdge.NodeTo.ToString())).transform.position;
						toCoord = toCoord - subregion.transform.position;
						instanceEdge(fromCoord , toCoord , (float)currentEdge.Weight  * 1.5f +  0.5f, edgeinstanceIndex, ref tempEdges, ref tempTriangles);
				catch (System.Exception e)
					Debug.Log("Skipped Node " + e.Message +" " + e.Source + " " + e.Data);
			currentSubRegionMesh.mesh.vertices = tempEdges;
			currentSubRegionMesh.mesh.triangles = tempTriangles;
			currentSubRegionMesh.mesh.uv = new Vector2[ NodeTo_EdgeCount*12];
