C++ Compilter Configuration Disabled in iOS Project Settings

Can someone please explain why C++ Compiler Configuration is disabled in the iOS project settings (see screenshot below), but not in the Android project settings? Moreover, should I expect any issues if I try to set the configuration to something other than Release inside a build script (via PlayerSettings.SetIl2CppCompilerConfiguration)? I am using Unity 2019.3.0f6 Plus on Windows 10 Pro (1903).


This option is disable for iOS project because the actual compilation of the C++ code IL2CPP generates is done in Xcode, not via Unity. Therefore, the build configuration setting in Xcode controls this option. The Android build, on the other hand, it driven by the Unity Editor, so this setting applies.

Changing this setting in a build script will apply it to all platforms where it matters. That is, it will apply for Android, but not for iOS.