I’m trying to make a dictionary when I can easily find out values.
In Lua you can do:
local Blocks = {}
Blocks[×][y][z] = “SomeValue”
What is the C# equivalent to that? I’m new at C# and Unity (after coming from ROBLOX)
I’m trying to make a dictionary when I can easily find out values.
In Lua you can do:
local Blocks = {}
Blocks[×][y][z] = “SomeValue”
What is the C# equivalent to that? I’m new at C# and Unity (after coming from ROBLOX)
Dictionary<keytype, objectType> dictionaryName;
Dictionary <string, string> fruits = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Are you able to to stuff like this with that code?
fruit[“apple”] = “Ripe”;
Debug.Log(fruit[“apple”]); // Logs “Ripe”
Would anyone mind giving me a working example of dictionaries in C#?
Your problem might be that you’re including System.Collections.Generic at the top (with a using statement).
Hang on a sec, I’ll stick something up here.
Dictionary <string, string> fruits = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Debug.Log( fruits["apple"]);
I’m getting these errors:
cs(9,17): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol (' in class, struct, or interface member declaration cs(11,19): error CS0178: Invalid rank specifier: expected
,’ or `]’
With this code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
Dictionary<string, string> Test = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Copy pasting random snippets with no understanding of them isn’t going to get you very far…
But just because I’m a nice guy, the last two lines of your code need to go into a method.
you need to do some basic scripting tutorials.
You can learn about using MonoBehaviour here:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;// this namespace is required to import dictionaries
public class dictionaryExample : MonoBehaviour {
public Dictionary<string, bool> myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, bool>();// declair key type and value type : <string, bool>
public Dictionary<string, string> myDictionary2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
if (myDictionary.Count < 10) {// gets count on dictionary
string c = myDictionary.Count.ToString ();
myDictionary.Add (c, false); // adds to dictionary
myDictionary2.Add (c, c);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> i in myDictionary) { //you can use this to return keys and values (key value pair)
Debug.Log (i.Key);// i.Key will rwtun the key for that KVP
Debug.Log(i.Value);// i.Value returns value fot the KVP
foreach (var i in myDictionary2) {// var can me used as a shortcut for many class types (in this case KeyValuePair <string, string>)
Debug.Log (i.Key);
Debug.Log (myDictionary ["0"]);// this overload : myDictionary["0"] will return the value associated to the Key : "0"
if (myDictionary.ContainsKey ("9")) {
myDictionary.Remove ("9"); // will remove a KVP
Debug.Log ("Has Removed");
myDictionary2.Clear ();// will clear the dictionary
Do you have a specific application for your dictionaries or just a general rundown of what they are? The C# page on .NET is pretty good at showing them off.
It’s a spam bot.
I had a hunch given the links, maybe the bot wanted to learn about dictionaries? Cheers
Whoa, Kurt’s posts are starting to be quoted by AI bots directly in the same thread now.