C# error...

Ok, I have just started (yesterday) to code around with c# leaving javascript alone because latest threads in the forum convinced that i should make that move… so I am not really proficient (yet) in c# anyway, striping out everything else, i have a code saying this:

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    private Vector3 pointerDirection;
    private Vector3 ProvideInfoSecondPass(Vector3 firstPassInfo)
       pointerDirection = Vector3(firstPassInfo.z,0,firstPassInfo.x);

       return pointerDirection;


This gives me an error, exactly

Assets/Scripts/PlayerController.cs(43,25): error CS0119: Expression denotes a `type', where a `variable', `value' or `method group' was expected

If i am right, it is saying that i am trying to assign to Vector3 2 types instead of values… but Vector3.x and Vector3.z return floats, not types (or am i wrong?)

Thanks For Help


Hey Philip,

Try replacing this line:

pointerDirection = Vector3(firstPassInfo.z,0,firstPassInfo.x);

with this:

pointerDirection = new Vector3(firstPassInfo.z,0,firstPassInfo.x);

Wooho! Thanks for the quick answer…

It’s working now (finally), but can you tell me what oes this “new” actually does?
I usually prefear to understand what i type.


Thanks, It’s working now…
By the way… can you tell me what you think wasn’t working, and what does actually “new” does? I usually want to know what i write down.

Thanks a lot



finalDirection is vector3
finalspeed is float
movementComplete = finalDirection * finalSpeed;

… same problem… will try to fix this in the same way… but looking forward to an explanation

EDIT2: fixed with new Vector3(finalDirection.x, finalDirection.y, finalDirection.z) * finalSpeed;

New instantiates a new object of said class.
In javascript you do not require the new as it does a lot of the stuff on its own behind the scene.

As for your second problem: I don’t see a reason why your solution should be required if the original ones worked.
Sure you are having a Vector3 and a Float there and that you are assigning them to a Vector3 again?