[C#]Find a mesh that is not in the scene

I have a script that stores the names of some meshes that are not in the scene(They are in the assets folder)
How can i find a mesh in my assets folder by name?
Something like this:

Mesh MToGet = FindMesh(“car”);
SkinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = MToGet;


Thanks a lot! i used Resources.Load and it worked. But, is it possible to load a group inside an fbx file?

You could create a prefab out of it. I highly doubt loading something in fbx through unity is possible and it probably isn’t even necessary.

Maybe you could tell us what are you trying to do, because I’m 99% sure you can do it with just prefabs.

Never mind, i split the FBX file in separate files for the different groups (Head, Top, Bottom, Feet)(I was making a character creator) and it loaded the files perfectly