C# from void start to void update

Hello !

Here my code :

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class Recup_donnees_6bis : MonoBehaviour {
    class Data_struct {
        public String marker_name ; 
        public Vector3 [] positions ; 
        GameObject [] body ; 
        string[][] datas; 
        int cpt = 0 ; 
    void Awake ()
        Application.targetFrameRate = 25; 
    void Start() 
        body = new GameObject[55]; 
        body [0] = GameObject.Find ("RightUpLeg"); 
        body [1] = GameObject.Find ("LeftUpLed");
        body [5] = GameObject.Find ("Neck");
        body [6] = GameObject.Find ("RightArm");
        body [7] = GameObject.Find ("LeftArm");
        body [8] = GameObject.Find ("Throat");
        body [9] = GameObject.Find ("Spine1");
        body [11] = GameObject.Find ("Spine");
        body [12] = GameObject.Find ("Hips");
        body [13] = GameObject.Find ("Scalp");
        body [14] = GameObject.Find ("HeadTop_End");
        body [15] = GameObject.Find ("R_Temple");
        body [16] = GameObject.Find ("L_Temple");
        body [17] = GameObject.Find ("RightForeArm");
        body [21] = GameObject.Find ("RightHand");
        body [23] = GameObject.Find ("RightHandIndex1");
        body [24] = GameObject.Find ("RightHandThumb2");
        body [25] = GameObject.Find ("RightHandPinky2");
        body [26] = GameObject.Find ("LeftForeArm");
        body [30] = GameObject.Find ("LeftHand");
        body [32] = GameObject.Find ("LeftHandIndex1");
        body [33] = GameObject.Find ("LeftHandThumb2");
        body [34] = GameObject.Find ("LeftHandPinky2");
        body [35] = GameObject.Find ("RightLed");
        body [38] = GameObject.Find ("RightFoot");
        body [41] = GameObject.Find ("RightFootToeBase_End");
        body [42] = GameObject.Find ("RightToeBase");
        body [45] = GameObject.Find ("LeftLed");
        body [48] = GameObject.Find ("LeftFoot");
        body [51] = GameObject.Find ("LeftFootToeBase_End");
        body [53] = GameObject.Find ("LeftToeBase");
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader ("Suj01_PI_DP_C00_1.txt"); 
        using (reader) { 
            string line = " "; 
            int lineNumber = 10; 
                for (int i = 0; i < lineNumber; i++)
                    line = reader.ReadLine(); 
                    if (line == null) return; 
            string line_10;
            line_10 = line; 
            string[] names = line_10.Split (new String[] {",",",,,"},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            Data_struct [] nv_data ;
            nv_data = new Data_struct[names.Length] ;
                for (int i =0 ; i< names.Length; ++i )
                    nv_data *= new Data_struct () ;* 

nv_data.marker_name = names ;

line = reader.ReadLine();
string line_11;
line_11 = line;
string[] axes = line_11.Split(new String[] {“Field #”,“,”},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

datas = new string[4000][];

int counter = 0;
while (line != null) {
line = reader.ReadLine();

if (line == “ANALOG”)
break ;

if ((counter %3) != 1)

string lines_datas;
lines_datas = line;
datas[cpt] = lines_datas.Split(new string[] {“,”},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

line = reader.ReadLine();

cpt ++ ;


for (int i = 0 ; i < cpt ; ++i )
for (int j = 1 ; j < names.Length+1 ; j++ )
nv_data[j-1].positions = new Vector3[cpt];

nv_data[j-1].positions.x = float.Parse(datas_[j3-2]);
nv_data[j-1].positions.y = float.Parse(datas[j3-1]);

nv_data[j-1].positions.z = float.Parse(datas[j3]);




void update ()


// To associate names_markers to avatar_joints :

for (int k = 0 ; k < body.Length ; ++k)

body[k].transform.position = nv_data[k].positions[k];


My problem : at the last line “nv_data” doesn’t exist at the current context.
I think I know for why but I don’t know how I can fix this problem.
I’m forced to integrate this last line in “void update ()” because it varies each frame.
Could you help me, please ?

You declare that variable inside Start() so it doesn’t exist outside that method.

Declare it outside the method and you can use it in the whole class. Just like you declare these other variables

         GameObject [] body ; 
         string[][] datas; 
         int cpt = 0 ;