Here’s the situation:
A have a bunch of buttons and an Input Text Field as children to a Panel. I need to set them invisible at the start of the scene and visible after some conditions are met. For that i use this:
public void HidePanel()
public void ShowPanel()
After I set the Panel active, it sure does pop-up in the scene and the buttons attached to it too. However the buttons animation are dead and so is the InputTextField I have in there too. I can’t even type in the Input Text Field. I use the regular buttons and Input Text Field that come with Unity.
I tried putting the panel in a different Canvas, same thing happened. I tried putting the panel in a differente Scene, same result.
Please help, I have been in this situation for the past 4 days and I can’t be stuck in this situation for much more time, for I need to delivery this project soon.
My english is not the best, so I’m sorry if it is a confusing question. If you need more information, please ask.