I looked around and seems like not only me is having the problem
I used this script
Also since it was throwing errors, I replaced
directorySelection = BehaveLibrary.Resources.SelectList( directoryInfo.GetDirectories(), null ) as DirectoryInfo;
directorySelection = SelectList( directoryInfo.GetDirectories(), null,null ) as DirectoryInfo;
And similarly
fileSelection = BehaveLibrary.Resources.SelectList( directoryInfo.GetFiles(), null ) as FileInfo;
fileSelection = SelectList( directoryInfo.GetFiles(), null,null ) as FileInfo;
By adding the SelectList code from here
Unfortunately I am not good in C# right now, so I cannot go further. I need to declare some variables like
ref location, ref directoryScroll, ref fileScroll
But I cannot figure out how. The full code I have now is:
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
//using BehaveLibrary;
public class FileBrowser1 : MonoBehaviour {
public static object SelectList( ICollection list, object selected, GUIStyle defaultStyle, GUIStyle selectedStyle )
foreach( object item in list )
if( GUILayout.Button( item.ToString(), ( selected == item ) ? selectedStyle : defaultStyle ) )
if( selected == item )
// Clicked an already selected item. Deselect.
selected = null;
selected = item;
return selected;
public delegate bool OnListItemGUI( object item, bool selected, ICollection list );
public static object SelectList( ICollection list, object selected, OnListItemGUI itemHandler )
ArrayList itemList;
itemList = new ArrayList( list );
foreach( object item in itemList )
if( itemHandler( item, item == selected, list ) )
selected = item;
else if( selected == item )
// If we *were* selected, but aren't any more then deselect
selected = null;
return selected;
public static bool FileBrowser( ref string location, ref Vector2 directoryScroll, ref Vector2 fileScroll )
bool complete;
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo;
DirectoryInfo directorySelection;
FileInfo fileSelection;
int contentWidth;
// Our return state - altered by the "Select" button
complete = false;
// Get the directory info of the current location
fileSelection = new FileInfo( location );
if( (fileSelection.Attributes FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory )
directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo( location );
directoryInfo = fileSelection.Directory;
if( location != "/" GUI.Button( new Rect( 10, 20, 410, 20 ), "Up one level" ) )
directoryInfo = directoryInfo.Parent;
location = directoryInfo.FullName;
// Handle the directories list
GUILayout.BeginArea( new Rect( 10, 40, 200, 300 ) );
GUILayout.Label( "Directories:" );
directoryScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( directoryScroll );
// directorySelection = BehaveLibrary.Resources.SelectList( directoryInfo.GetDirectories(), null ) as DirectoryInfo;
directorySelection = SelectList( directoryInfo.GetDirectories(), null,null ) as DirectoryInfo;
if( directorySelection != null )
// If a directory was selected, jump there
location = directorySelection.FullName;
// Handle the files list
GUILayout.BeginArea( new Rect( 220, 40, 200, 300 ) );
GUILayout.Label( "Files:" );
fileScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( fileScroll );
//fileSelection = BehaveLibrary.Resources.SelectList( directoryInfo.GetFiles(), null ) as FileInfo;
fileSelection = SelectList( directoryInfo.GetFiles(), null,null ) as FileInfo;
if( fileSelection != null )
// If a file was selected, update our location to it
location = fileSelection.FullName;
// The manual location box and the select button
GUILayout.BeginArea( new Rect( 10, 350, 410, 20 ) );
location = GUILayout.TextArea( location );
contentWidth = ( int )GUI.skin.GetStyle( "Button" ).CalcSize( new GUIContent( "Select" ) ).x;
if( GUILayout.Button( "Select", GUILayout.Width( contentWidth ) ) )
complete = true;
return complete;
public void FileBrowserWindow( int idx )
if( FileBrowser( ref location, ref directoryScroll, ref fileScroll ) )
fileBrowser = false;
public void OnGUI()
if( fileBrowser )
GUI.Window( 0, new Rect( ( Screen.width - 430 ) / 2, ( Screen.height - 380 ) / 2, 430, 380 ), FileBrowserWindow, "Browse" );
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {