[ C# ] How to extract coordinates of joints of humanoid model in each of frame of an FBX animation

Dear Everyone,

I am new to this forum and I have just realize my post should be in this sub forum instead of animation sub forum. I am so sorry to repeat the same question over here.

I have a humanoid model stored in *.FBX file.
I would like to extract the joint coordinates of the model in each frame of the FBX animation in C# script.

My current solution would be playing the animation in the scene at an unseen position. Then at a fixed time interval (using InvokeRepeating or FixedUpdate) store the joint coordinates to an array.
The disadvantage of my approach is that the user has to wait for the animation to finish playing in the background to get the information. The only advantage is that I can fully control the fps with fixed interval between each frame.

I would like to check if there is any other better solution that can directly extract the desired information (with a controlled fps or at least known fps if possible)?

Thank you very much for any support.

Best regards,

Does anyone have any idea about this?

Thank you very much.

Any thought about this problem is welcome.

Thank you.

Some more elaborations. I just want to plot the changes of joint coordinates over time frame after frame. It doesn’t have to be real time. I basically got the fbx with animation in it. I just feel like I don’t have to play the animation just to extract the joints transform frame to frame. There should be a way to get it out directly from fbx file using script. Is there any scripting API to work with animation stored in fbx? Something that is at the frame level. Thank you.

Some more elaborations. I just want to plot the changes of joint coordinates over time frame after frame. It doesn’t have to be real time. I basically got the fbx with animation in it. I just feel like I don’t have to play the animation just to extract the joints transform frame to frame. There should be a way to get it out directly from fbx file using script. Thank you.