As the title says, I have a script that procedurally generates a level,
For example, while the project is running, if I press F11, the level will be regenerated.
I was wondering how I can re-generate the level without having to stop and re-playing the project.
Do I just call the Start / Awake function if F11 has been pressed?
not sure if you need it, but you can create the level in editor mode by creating a folder called Editor in Assets,
and create your own function in your level creation script and create the level there instead of in Start or Awake,
then put this script i called MapInspector in Editor folder:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
public class MapInspector : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
DrawDefaultInspector ();
if(GUILayout.Button ("generate level"))
your level creation script needs to be attached to main camera, also you have to edit the script name and function name to match yours. it will make a button in your main camera’s inspector for calling your level creation function