C# Inventory items use help

Hi, in the game I made I have a short inventory system(I found it on a forum) (don’t like rpg inventory) and I need help to use item, my script :

     if (!remove)
	currentItem = slot1;
	messageint = 100;
	messagetext = slot1 + " Used";
	slot1 = "Empty 1";
void ActivateItems(string slot)

I have différent items : Key, Meditkit and etc…
I want to be help to complete the void ActivateItems.
What must I put it inside ?
(sorry for my bad english)

Well it really depends on what you want the items to do,
If I were you I would make an if statement checking what this “Item” is,
So something like this

void ActivateItems(string slot) {
     if(currentItem == "Key") {
        //open door (You add your own thing)
     if(currentItem == "MeditKit") {
        //Heal player (You add your own thing)
     if(currentItem == "Potion") {
        //Make player fly or watever (You add your own thing)
     if(currentItem == "Alarm") {
        //Attract other players/enemys (You add your own thing)

Thats all I can say with what you have given me…
Maybe with more info I could help in a better way.