I’m having a few issues implementing Gerstner waves based on this GPU Gems article:
I’ve successfully implemented a 2D version of the algorithm, and I’m now trying to create a 3D version in Unity using C#. So far the code I have is:
void Update () {
Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
int i = 0;
while(i < vertices.Length)
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(vertices[i].x, 0, vertices[i].z);
foreach (Wave wave in allWaves)
float inner = Vector2.Dot(wave.wavelength * wave.direction, new Vector2(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].z)) + wave.phase * Time.time;
//Qi = Q/(wi * Ai * numWaves)
float Qi = steepness / (wave.wavelength * wave.amplitude * waves.Length);
float cosFunction = Mathf.Cos(inner);
newPos.x += Qi * wave.amplitude * wave.direction.x * cosFunction;
newPos.y += wave.amplitude * Mathf.Sin(inner);
newPos.z += Qi * wave.amplitude * wave.direction.y * cosFunction;
vertices[i] = newPos;
mesh.vertices = vertices;
This is based on this equation in the article:
Waves is a class containing parameters of each of the waves, eg amplitude, wavelength, and there are currently 4 waves with the same parameters.
This is the result:
Been trying to get this to work all day - any pointers as to where I’m going wrong would be really appreciated.