C# JSON library

I am developing an app using Unity3D for desktop web browsers.

There are many .NET/C# JSON libraries listed on http://www.json.org/

What is the best C# JSON library to use in Unity3D?

Thanks in advance for your help


I found JSON Object C#-based library on Unity Asset Store.

It is free.

I have not used it.

Check this unity asset : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/18457

@pion2 Use this GitHub - AngelQuirogaM/NiceJson: JSON library for C# (Pretty print, implicit operators, easy to read and write)


I’ve updated it to support Escaping/Unescaping strings like it must do. I have seen no more problems far from that.

Thanks to @Bunny83

I use LitJson and am happy with it. I especially wanted to write “pretty” json files which are formatted in an easy to read and editable way. Not sure which other libraries have this functionality, but after testing two, I found LitJson to look good.

This is a very good plugin. Works perfectly well.