c# or java for mobile version

ı wanna make an androıd game should ı use java or c#.
can ı use c# because my codes are c# rıght now.
should ı change ıt to the java ?

Are you developing in Unity? If yes, Unity doesn’t have “Java”, it has a JavaScript-like language called UnityScript. But it doesn’t matter what language you use in Unity, in a build it will be internally “translated” to a language that the target platform understands.

If you have your code in C#, it is just extra work to change it to UnityScript without any benefits. Just continue in C#.

In my personal opinion, C# is better than UnityScript, better supported, and if I recall correctly, somewhat faster.

@benseco111 It doesn’t matter if you use c# or java for mobile. If you code is in c# I would stick with c#