Hi all,
I’m a new coder and I wonder.
Which programming language easier and more simple for unity3D ?
I’ll start to learn programming but which one do I begin? I do not know …
Sorry for my bad English…
- Negativesal:rage:
Hi all,
I’m a new coder and I wonder.
Which programming language easier and more simple for unity3D ?
I’ll start to learn programming but which one do I begin? I do not know …
Sorry for my bad English…
If you’re English is bad, you’re probably going to struggle to understand most tutorials. But give javascript a try and good luck.
UnityScript is Unity specific.
While C# is used for general programming.
So if you decide to switch to another engine or want to develop a server for a multiplayer game, UnityScript is not going to work.
So you just wasted your time learning something that is worthless for anything else but Unity.
Remark: Yes Javascript .Net can be used for other things, but hardly anybody does.
Whichever one has more information available in your native language. That is probably C#, though it may not be Unity specific.
The question of ‘C# or Java for Unity’ is easy to answer, because Java isn’t one of the languages Unity supports So by that token at least, the answer is C#.
Assuming you mean JavaScript (aka UnityScript) though, in addition to the advice already given, I’ll go ahead and suggest that if you’re completely new to programming, it probably doesn’t matter that much which language you start with, so just pick whatever seems easiest and most intuitive to you. (And although I’d generally recommend C# over UnityScript, conventional wisdom seems to be that UnityScript is more ‘beginner-friendly’.)
I also prefer C# because it is more consistent and because of forced typing you avoid many errors which can confuse new programmers. For example: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/82039-Need-Help-Scaling-Health-Bar-Object
Thanks for answers.
First, I will learn a normal programming language,
after I will learn Unity3D code.
So Java isn’t one of the languages Unity Supports.
Okey, I will learn C# …
Yes, I saw.
JavaS.; A small error is disturbing.
My Choose " C# "
Good luck to me
is better C#, but i learnt JacaScript because i saw it easyer.
I’d suggest c# too, though you should keep in mind alot of the examples inside the documentation where you can select javascript or c# don’t even compile. So It can be hard to learn directly from Unity. You might want to take a look at other tutorials for doing things like console applications or even XNA to learn C# first.
C# !!!
I came from a Flash background, so my Actionscript 2.0 knowledge was much closer to Javascript, and that’s what I chose. That said, C# has many advantages (or so I’ve been told… nothing’s come up that has made me require switching yet).
You know how they say when you keep using a hammer, everything around you starts to look like a nail? Well, the same applies to programming languages.
I see them as different tools for different purposes; I use unityscript for its no-nonsense, easy typing of game logic and C# for those (very rare so far) times when advanced .NET libraries come in handy.
Well, C# is a tiny bit harder, BUT if you can use Visual Studio Pro with the ‘ReSharper’ plugin, then it becomes much easier. A good editor/IDE is just as important as the language itself I feel and I haven’t seen anything for UnityScript that comes near it.
I’ll also vote for C#. If you want to carry on your programming skills elsewhere this is the language to do it. You said first you will learn a ‘normal’ programming language. C# functions exactly like C# does if you were coding any other application. Its the most ‘normal’ of the three available languages.
Thanks Everybody for answers.
My choose “C#”…
Thanks again.