But this pastes it into a RenderTexture
Also it pastes a Material to the RenderTexture, not a Texture2D
Is it possible to create a RenderTexture in realtime, applying the image with Graphics.Blit and then converting it to a Texture2D? And pasting a Texture2D instead of a Material?
A RenderTexture can be used as any other kind of texture.
You can make a new RenderTexture at runtime like this:
“RenderTexture newTexture = new RenderTexture(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, depthBits)”
I’m not sure what you mean. Graphics.Blit() takes in 2 textures, and optionally a material. Texture 1 will be copied onto texture 2. If you give it a material, it will copy the texture using that material, otherwise it will copy as normal.
You can also leave texture2 blank to render the texture to the screen.