C# Random Number on GUIButton click without updating every frame

Hey Guys,

I am new to Unity and learning C# for nearly 2 month and have a little problem.
I try to build a statmenu where the player can roll a dice via GUI.Button to get random stats, but the are changing every frame until you left the menu.

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public bool StatsSelectionWindow;

public int statsleft;

	int diceStrength;
	int diceDexterity;
	int dicePersistence;
	int diceResistence;
	int diceTactics;
	int diceAccuracy;
	int diceCharisma;
	int diceGrasp;

public GameObject Player;

	public void DiceStats (){

		GameObject Player = GameObject.Find("Player");
		UserStats userStats = Player.GetComponent<UserStats>();
		diceStrength = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceDexterity = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		dicePersistence = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceResistence = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceTactics = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceAccuracy = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceCharisma = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		diceGrasp = Random.Range (2, 5) - Random.Range (0, 3);
		userStats.strength = userStats.minStrength + diceStrength;
		userStats.dexterity = userStats.minDexterity + diceDexterity;
		userStats.persistence = userStats.minPersistence + dicePersistence;
		userStats.resistence = userStats.minResistence + diceResistence;
		userStats.tactics = userStats.minTactics + diceTactics;
		userStats.accuracy = userStats.minAccuracy + diceAccuracy;
		userStats.charisma = userStats.minCharisma + diceCharisma;
		userStats.grasp = userStats.minGrasp + diceGrasp;


void OnGUI () {

if (StatsSelectionWindow) {

			GUI.Box(new Rect(0,0, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Choose stats");
			GUI.Box(new Rect(0,0, 400, 270), "");
			GameObject Player = GameObject.Find("Player");
			UserStats userStats = Player.GetComponent<UserStats>();

// Button for new random stats
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (250, 240,125, 22), "roll stats new"));{

						DiceStats ();

			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 200, 400, 22), "_____________________________________________________");
			GUI.Label (new Rect ( 150, 220, 250, 22), "Stats left	    " + statsleft.ToString());

			// Label for min., max. and cur. stats
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 10, 450, 22), "Attributte 			Min. 	Aktuell 	    Max.");
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 50, 450, 22), userStats.nameStrength);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 50, 50, 22), userStats.minStrength.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 50 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.strength > userStats.minStrength){
				userStats.strength --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 50, 450, 22), userStats.strength.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 50 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.strength < userStats.maxStrength && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.strength ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 50, 450, 22), userStats.maxStrength.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 70, 450, 22), userStats.nameDexterity);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 70, 50, 22), userStats.minDexterity.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 70 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.dexterity > userStats.minDexterity){
				userStats.dexterity --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 70, 450, 22), userStats.dexterity.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 70 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.dexterity < userStats.maxDexterity && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.dexterity ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 70, 450, 22), userStats.maxDexterity.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 90, 450, 22), userStats.namePersistence);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 90, 50, 22), userStats.minPersistence.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 90 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.persistence > userStats.minPersistence){
				userStats.persistence --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 90, 450, 22), userStats.persistence.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 90 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.persistence < userStats.maxPersistence && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.persistence ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 90, 450, 22), userStats.maxPersistence.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 110, 450, 22), userStats.nameResistence);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 110, 50, 22), userStats.minResistence.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 110 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.resistence > userStats.minResistence){
				userStats.resistence --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 110, 450, 22), userStats.resistence.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 110 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.resistence < userStats.maxResistence && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.resistence ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 110, 450, 22), userStats.maxResistence.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 130, 450, 22), userStats.nameTactics);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 130, 50, 22), userStats.minTactics.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 130 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.tactics > userStats.minTactics){
				userStats.tactics --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 130, 450, 22), userStats.tactics.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 130 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.tactics < userStats.maxTactics && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.resistence ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 130, 450, 22), userStats.maxTactics.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 150, 450, 22), userStats.nameAccuracy);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 150, 50, 22), userStats.minAccuracy.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 150 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.accuracy > userStats.minAccuracy){
				userStats.accuracy --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 150, 450, 22), userStats.accuracy.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 150 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.accuracy < userStats.maxAccuracy && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.accuracy ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 150, 450, 22), userStats.maxAccuracy.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 170, 450, 22), userStats.nameCharisma);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 170, 50, 22), userStats.minCharisma.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 170 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.charisma > userStats.minCharisma){
				userStats.charisma --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 170, 450, 22), userStats.charisma.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 170 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.charisma < userStats.maxCharisma && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.charisma ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 170, 450, 22), userStats.maxCharisma.ToString() );
			GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 190, 450, 22), userStats.nameGrasp);
			GUI.Label (new Rect (205, 190, 50, 22), userStats.minGrasp.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (235, 190 , 25, 22), "<") && userStats.grasp > userStats.minGrasp){
				userStats.grasp --;
				statsleft ++;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (285, 190, 450, 22), userStats.grasp.ToString() );
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (305, 190 , 25, 22), ">") && userStats.grasp < userStats.maxGrasp && statsleft > 0){
				userStats.grasp ++;
				statsleft --;
			GUI.Label (new Rect (350, 190, 450, 22), userStats.maxGrasp.ToString() );

			// Button to get back to name
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 + 150, Screen.height / 2 + 250, 125, 40), "Zurück")){
				statsleft = 0;
				StatsSelectionWindow = false;
				NameInputWindow = true;
			// Button to move to skills
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 + 280, Screen.height / 2 + 250, 125, 40), "Weiter")){
				StatsSelectionWindow = false;
				SkillSelectionWindow = true;

I hope this code is readable and sorry for my bad language, it is not my nativ.

Thanks for helping.

Line:55 you have a semi-colon terminating the if statement :frowning:

     if (GUI.Button (new Rect (250, 240,125, 22), "roll stats new"));{

                 DiceStats ();

should be:

     if (GUI.Button (new Rect (250, 240,125, 22), "roll stats new")) {

                 DiceStats ();