C# Referencing other Script

Hello again,
I’m very new to C#, but desperately want to start learning. However, I’m having some trouble with something that I’m pretty sure is very simple.

In Javascript, I could easily do this…

private var GameGod : GameObject; 
private var GameScript : GodScript;

function Start() {
	GameGod = GameObject.Find("Game God");
	GameScript = GameGod.GetComponent("GodScript");

However, when I try to do something similar in C#

private GameObject GameGod;
private GodScript GameScript;

 void Start () {
		GameGod = GameObject.Find("Game God");
		GameScript = GameGod.GetComponent("GodScript");

I get an error saying “The type or namespace name “GodScript” could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?”

I’m not sure what’s wrong, but I have a feeling I’ll feel stupid when I find out lol.

First and foremost, try not to start your variable names with upper case letters. It makes it hard to distinguish them from types.

You probably need to do this:

gameScript = gameGod.GetComponent<GodScript>();