c# script not working


I am working on a 3d Project template, by following this tutorial: How to make Fruit Ninja in Unity (Complete Tutorial) πŸ‰πŸ”ͺ - YouTube

Attached the c# script to the game object Spawner. However when I play, nothing happens.
This is my script:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
private Collider spawnArea;

public GameObject[] fruitPrefabs;

public float minSpawnDelay = 0.25f;
public float maxSpawnDelay = 1f;

public float minAngle = -15f;
public float maxAngle = 15f;

public float minForce = 18f;
public float maxForce = 22f;

public float maxLifetime = 5f;

private void Awake()
	spawnArea = GetComponent<Collider>();

private void onEnable()


private void onDisable()

private IEnumerator Spawn()
	yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
	while (enabled)
		GameObject prefab = fruitPrefabs[Random.Range(0, fruitPrefabs.Length)]; //to pick a random fruit from the fruits array
		Vector3 position = new Vector3(); //to set a position to spawn the fruit at
		position.x = Random.Range(spawnArea.bounds.min.x,spawnArea.bounds.max.x);
		position.y = Random.Range(spawnArea.bounds.min.y,spawnArea.bounds.max.y);
		position.z = Random.Range(spawnArea.bounds.min.z,spawnArea.bounds.max.z); //these will be random points within the bounds of the spawn collider defined above

		//for rotation of the fruits

		Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f,0f,Random.Range(minAngle,maxAngle)); //to override the z axis and allow the fruit to rotate along the z axis

		GameObject fruit = Instantiate(prefab,position,rotation);
		Destroy(fruit,maxLifetime);//built in unity function to destroy the fruit after it reaches the mx lifetime

		float force = Random.Range(minForce,maxForce);
		fruit.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(fruit.transform.up * force,ForceMode.Impulse); //adds an instant force to spawn the fruit up

		yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(minSpawnDelay,maxSpawnDelay));



When I play, the fruits are not spawning.

The immediate problem with your code is that you have spelled two events incorrectly. You need OnEnable and OnDisable (not lower case o).

Once you fix that, try again but make sure that you have populated the fruitsPrefab array in the Inspector. Let us know how you get on…