c# timer that displays in mins and seconds

Hello I am creating a 3D game and I need a timer that displays how long the user has been playing for. thanks in advance

Something like this should work. Increment the seconds and when it reaches 60 add a minute. When the minutes reach 60 add an hour, etc…

	float seconds;
	float minutes;
	float hours;

	void Update(){

		seconds += Time.deltaTime;

		if(seconds >= 60){
			minutes += 1;
			seconds = 0;

		if(minutes >= 60){
			hours += 1;
			minutes = 0;

		Debug.Log("H: " + hours + " M: " + minutes + " S: " + (int)seconds);


using System;


DateTime start;
void Start() {
	start = DateTime.Now;
void OnGUI() {
	GUI.Label (new Rect(0, 0, 200, 30), (DateTime.Now-start).ToString());	

You can use Time.deltaTime just like this.

float timer;

void Update() {
     timer += Time.deltaTime;

Then you could use some Lower() or Round() function to only show it in seconds as this will give you many decimals.