I’m trying to track how fast my mouse cursor is moving. I tried mouseCursorSpeed = Input.GetAxis(“Mouse X”); but the values I’m getting are very low despite the fact that I’m moving my mouse really fast. Am I tracking the right value?
public float mouseCursorSpeed;
Void Update(){
mouseCursorSpeed = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
If your game is running really fast (the FPS is high), you’ll be getting a LOT of low values.
Remember that if you want a real ‘speed’, you’ll need to relate the figure to actual time. So for example…
mouseCursorSpeed = Input.GetAxis(“Mouse X”) / Time.deltaTime;
…will get you a very rough estimate of mouse speed in units-per-second.
In reality, you might want to average the figure out over several frames, since sometimes frame rates can be a little erratic.
Time.deltaTime is the total amount of time (in seconds) elapsed since the last frame. When doing animations, calculating speeds or doing some rough physics, it’s invaluable.
Just comparing mouse position to the last know position isn’t enough.
I suggest you create a “physical mouse pointer”, an object (not necessarily a gameObject, can be regular class or just 2 vectors) that will try and follow mouse pointer using velocity instead of translation (that is, its position is only changed by velocity*deltaTime and you only change velocity). I think the easiest way for it would be to use Vector3.SmoothDamp (Vector2.SmoothDamp method doesn’t exist). You simply use the existing mouse pointer position as target and store the physical mouse position and velocity in other variables. Depending on the other args you pass into SmoothDamp (especially the SmoothTime, i’d leave MaxSpeed at infinity) you will get either smooth or more accurate but perhaps shaky result.
m_physMousePos = SmoothDamp(m_physMousePos, Input.mousePosition, m_physMouseVelocity, 0.3, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime)