I am writing a function that returns the distances between vertexes of one mesh and nearest vertexes of another mesh.
I’ve got about 5000 vertexes in one mesh and 7000 in the other. That gives around 35000000 iterations which isn’t that much. Unity hangs. What can i do?
void Start () {
float[] d = calculateDistances (mesh1, mesh2);
float[] calculateDistances(Mesh cloth, Mesh model)
Vector3[] vcloth = cloth.vertices;
Vector3[] vmodel = model.vertices;
float[] distances = new float[vcloth.Length];
float lowest_dist = 9999.0f;
float distance;
// in case i need the index, better safe than sorry
int lowest_index = -1;
Debug.Log (vcloth.Length);
Debug.Log (vmodel.Length);
String debug = "";
for (int i=0; i < vcloth.Length;i++) {
for(int j=0; j < vmodel.Length;j++){
// adjust the scale
distance = (transform.TransformPoint(vcloth _* 0.001f) - transform.TransformPoint(vmodel[j])).magnitude;_
if (distance < lowest_dist)*
lowest_dist = distance;*
lowest_index = j;*
print (lowest_dist);*
distances = lowest_dist;
* lowest_dist = 9999.0f;*
* }*
* Debug.Log (debug);*
* return distances; *
* }*