C# using a Horizontal Slider for Anistropic Filtering

Hi everyone, is it possible to use a horizontal slider for Anistropic Filtering? Anistropic Filtering doesn’t use a integer like Texture Quality and Anti-Ailasing. So I’m not sure how to control it through a GUI Element. It doesn’t have to be a horizontal slider . But I need to control Anistropic Filtering in some form of GUI Element.

anisotropicFilteringInt = Mathf.RoundToInt(GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(anisotropicFilteringInt, 0, 2,GUILayout.Width(75), GUILayout.Height(15)));

I’m not sure what you’re talking…

If you’re trying to set any other property that has “three modes that aren’t number, string or bool based”, then by definition it can’t be controlled by a slider.