C# vs Java card game extream beginer

I am a extream beginer to the world of scripting ( I know the basics from a computer science class in high school) im trying to create a card game … desing is the easy part but I dont know where to start with the scripting. I guess i would want to start with the dealing of cards based on how many players are in the game. Any help at all would be very apriciated! Also input on weather i should use c# or java. Iv used C# in the past and liked it but remember im a beginer and I need something that I can learn as I go.

Thanks Guys!!!

  1. As far as getting started, I’d start by making the game aware of all possible cards and how many there are of each. A few ways to do this (note I’m no code GOD) but I’d probably use a custom class that stores Suite, Number (And Maybe Texture)(Not much needed there). Then have an array of the cards.

  2. This almost always comes down to a couple things (Personal Preference (Knowledge), and if its Suited to the Task) C# Is my primary language but sometimes you’ll find that you HAVE to use UnityScript(Java). A good example of this was when I was making Kongregate games. Their API can only be accessed by UnityScript (at least from what I was told). So any code dealing with it directly had to be done in Java (I ended up using the Standard Assets trick to crosstalk between c# and java scripts.)

Bottom line, C# will be useful to you outside of unity (Example: Writing Visual Studio projects for windows). UnityScript would be useful too but you really have to decide which is easier for you.(In My Honest Opinion).

Regards Mate.

If you’ve already used C#, go with that. Unless you’re using advanced stuff the languages are all pretty similar except for a few minor syntax things and the fact that you need to be more explicit in C# - which you should already be ok with anyway.

Also, and this is an important distinction, the thing Unity uses is not Java, it’s JavaScript - they’re very different despite having four letters in common. Also, what Unity uses isn’t even really JavaScript, it’s their own custom thing which is syntactically similar that they’ve called JavaScript to increase market appeal, but which has also increased confusion.

“Also input on weather i should use c# or java. Iv used C# in the past and liked it but remember im a beginer and I need something that I can learn as I go.”

  1. Its Whether not weather.

  2. I would recomend C# rather than UnityScript as UnityScript has no implementation anywhere other than unity, but if you learn c# itll help you with not only unity but also with other things in computer language, and since C# and Java are extremely alike you will be able to know java if you use c#, also c# is wayyyyyyy better in the area of scripting than UnityScript, its like having a baby rabbit(C#) or a Hairless MoleRat(UnityScript)

  3. As you can tell in the above post, Java and Unity’s(JavaScript) are far far far apart, Java is alot like C# where Unity’s(JavaScript) is more like a Pascal/ Server Side Scripting called JavaScript.

Read a book and learn something.