c# waitforsecconds

i am pretty new to c# and after all searching and trying i still cant get yield return new waitforsecconds to work i know i need a coroutine but i just can’t get it up to work. and is it possible to use waitforsecconds in void update?can someone just please give me a
very clearfact about waitforsecconds in c#

ps. sorry for bad english i’m dutch.

In C# it is done with a coroutine, like this:

StartCoroutine(Wait()); // this calls the wait method below

IEnumerator Wait() {
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (3.0f);

You can call the start coroutine where you want the delay. Suppose in the below example you will wait 2 sec before printing

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        print("Starting " + Time.time);
        print("Before WaitAndPrint Finishes " + Time.time);
    IEnumerator WaitAndPrint(float waitTime) {
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
        print("WaitAndPrint " + Time.time);

If you call the wait for seconds in update then each time the update is called a new coroutine starts this is not good as it causes unpredictable results .If you can explain the senario what you are trying to achive it will be easy to say where you should call coroutine.