c# Wheel Rotation help please

Hi :slight_smile:

First time posting on the forum after getting nowhere looking at how to rotate my wheels on the car!
I have searched the forum and youtube to try and get results but nothing seems to be working, so hopefully somebody can help me out!

I have got my car to move using the arrow keys although when moving to fast and turn the car flips over (another question for later)

This is my setup:

1387144–71046–$Wheels.bmp (64.8 KB)

On each of the wheels I have added a wheel collider,

In my car controller script I state my variables:

public Transform wheelFLTrans;
	public Transform wheelFRTrans;
	public Transform wheelBRTrans;
	public Transform wheelBLTrans;

Then in the update method try and rotate:

void update()
		wheelFLTrans.Rotate(Vector3.right * wheelFL.rpm * 2 * Mathf.PI / 60.0f * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg );
		wheelFRTrans.Rotate(Vector3.right * wheelFR.rpm * 2 * Mathf.PI / 60.0f * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg );
		wheelBRTrans.Rotate(Vector3.right * wheelBR.rpm * 2 * Mathf.PI / 60.0f * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg );
		wheelBLTrans.Rotate(Vector3.right * wheelBL.rpm * 2 * Mathf.PI / 60.0f * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg );

1387144–71047–$Car.bmp (379 KB)

I followed a youtube video (not sure if allowed to post links) and this is exactly the setup but my wheels don’t rotate, the only thing different is I downloaded this model from unity assets store!

Please I hope somebody can help me out, thanks in advance!

dumb question, but youre setting your torque somewhere?

also to fix the car flip problem, just set your rigidbody.centerOfMass


I had it spinning on the β€˜z’ axis but changed it to the β€˜x’ and worked :slight_smile: