Hello, I’ve been using Unity for a few months now and thought I’d show what I’ve been working on. It is an adventure game called The Cabin that is a work in progress.
I must warn you that without a very good graphics card It will run real slow so sorry. You can download it at http://maplab.org/cabin/
Please let me know what you think. If you want to know anything about it I’m happy to share and I will post any scripts that people want. Mostly you can just explore the environment right now and there is little game play but I hope you have fun trying it.
I don’t have unity pro so what I did is change the texture with a for loop over and over like a filmstrip. The texture is on a plane with a script that makes it look at the player at all times so you never see the that it is just a plane.
here is the filmstrip code:
var theTexture: Texture[ ];
var i: int = 0;
var frametime: int = 1;
var forLoop: int = 0;
function Update () {
if (frametime == 3) {
if (i <= forLoop) {i ++;}
else {i = 1;}
renderer.material.SetTexture(“_MainTex”, theTexture*);* frametime = 1; } else { frametime ++;} } glad you liked it.
The inside of the cabin is very nice! Nice modeling and texturing, though the texture resolutions are rather inconsistent. For example, the kitchen table has a resolution so low that it looks nasty. But otherwise really nice atmosphere indoor!
Outdoor is not quite up to the same standard. The view over the valley is nice, but the lawn in front of the cabin looks terrible compared to the graphics quality indoor. Personally, I’d just loose the grass billboards completely. Right now, they make the grass about 5 times as high as grass on a lawn normally would be, plus the billboard colors blend very badly with the colors of the grass texture underneath. I’d expect the grass to be well kept too, so the spots of very high grass on top of an otherwise flat lawn just looks odd. If you want to keep the billboards, they need to be much smaller and much more densely distributed, and frankly that’s probably not a good idea performance wise. That’s why I’d simply lose them and just use texturing. It’s your call of course.
The different foot step sounds when walking on different materials work well, although when walking on the grass it sounds more like walking on gravel.
The problem with your filmstrip code is that it’s frame-rate dependent. When the framerate varies, the smoke animates at different speeds. This also means different computers will run it at different speeds. Also you have to manually change the “forLoop” variable when it could be done automatically. Also, normally you’d use Time.deltaTime to handle something like framerate-independence, but since in this case it’s not changing every frame, it’s easier to not use Update at all, but let Unity handle the timing. It would be better like this:
var theTexture : Texture[];
var frameTime = .05; // How long each frame lasts, in seconds
private var index = 0;
function Start () {
InvokeRepeating("AnimateTex", .01, frameTime);
function AnimateTex () {
index = ++index % theTexture.Length;
renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", theTexture[index]);
Although personally I’d prefer to see a particle system…the animated texture looks nice at first, but quickly becomes apparent that it’s repeating the same animation every couple of seconds.
I agree that the interior looks great, with some out-of-place excessively low-res textures. If those were fixed, it would look brilliant. For performance, I think you’d want to turn off the interior until the player gets close enough. Otherwise it’s rendering everything all the time. It would probably be good to swap the outside graphics for a low-res substitute when the player is inside, as well.
Runevision, Maybe I’ll lose the grass in the yard. I see what you mean. Also if I made the yard look a bit more gravel like then the footsteps might make more sense.
In terms of texture resolution I was trying to compress things as much as possible but I rendered these lightmapped textures out from maya at higher rez so I could bring some of them up a bit like the kitchen counter.
If there are any others that stand out as really too low please let me know
Eric5h5, thanks for that code, I will try to replace my old filmstrip code because it also bugged me that it would run slow.
Thanks everyone I’ll update the download when I fix those things.
It should be up on the other server shortly. I incorporated a lot of the suggestions. Also I cleared most the grass out of the yard because there is going to be other structures there eventually. Thanks for the advice everyone and more is always welcome.
My PC has an awesome graphics and CPU capability (not my Mac I’m afraid!). So I waited eagerly for the download, but then found out it is a mac verison only. Perhaps you could mention this in your thread at the top so others can decide whether to download it or not.