I am in need of a math-magician for this little bit here
In this little game, the player presses a button each turn, and will get an item, from 1 of 5 tiers of items. Each turn the player can upgrade their chance by 10% to get an item from a better tier (up to 100% chance increase.
There are a total of 30 items, 6 in each tier.
this is the percent chance increase and how it would look:
Increase – % Change
10% ---------tier 1 = 90, tier 2 = 10, tier 3 = 00, tier 4 = 00, tier 5 = 00
20% ---------tier 1 = 80, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 00, tier 4 = 00, tier 5 = 00
30% ---------tier 1 = 70, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 10, tier 4 = 00, tier 5 = 00
40% ---------tier 1 = 60, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 20, tier 4 = 00, tier 5 = 00
50% ---------tier 1 = 50, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 20, tier 4 = 10, tier 5 = 00
60% ---------tier 1 = 40, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 20, tier 4 = 20, tier 5 = 00
70% ---------tier 1 = 30, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 20, tier 4 = 20, tier 5 = 10
80% ---------tier 1 = 20, tier 2 = 20, tier 3 = 20, tier 4 = 20, tier 5 = 20
90% ---------tier 1 = 10, tier 2 = 10, tier 3 = 30, tier 4 = 30, tier 5 = 20
100% --------tier 1 = 0, tier 2 = 10, tier 3 = 30, tier 4 = 30, tier 5 = 30
so… can anyone help me get started on how I would code the probability part of this.
BTW, this is not like a deck of cards, in the sense that chances change based on how many cards are left in the deck. There is an infinite amount of each of the items in all 5 tiers. Only the chance to get a particular item in a tier changes.
Thanks for the help you genuises!!!