I am trying to create some sort rts game, where some of the units throw stones.
What I want to achieve is when the unit sees an enemy unit, it will throw a rock at it (I will calculate the precision later). So I know the distance from the throwing object to the receiving object. I can decide a specific angle it should be thrown at always. Does anyone know where to look if I want to figure out what force should be applied to the object, to make it hit its destination?
Forget about the force: set the velocity instead. You can choose a suitable angle, calculate the velocity and shoot: ballistic trajectory works very well in Unity. I answered a question about this some time ago, and posted a function that does all the necessary math to calculate the velocity vector - click here to read this answer.
you could put and empty gameobject at the target and then put Transform.LookAt(target); on the rock and then just make the rock move forwards and it will go at the target