calculate launch velocity needed with drag and custom gravity

Hi. I am currently trying to send a physics ball towards a specific target, simple and there are a lot of answers already here, so I found this script:

 void SendToTarget(Vector3 target) {     
         Vector3 p = target;
         float gravity = Physics.gravity.magnitude;
         // Selected angle in radians
         float initialAngle = 50;
         float angle = initialAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
         // Positions of this object and the target on the same plane
         Vector3 planarTarget = new Vector3(p.x, 0, p.z);
         Vector3 planarPostion = new Vector3(_rigidbody.transform.position.x, 0, _rigidbody.transform.position.z);
         // Planar distance between objects
         float distance = Vector3.Distance(planarTarget, planarPostion);
         // Distance along the y axis between objects
         float yOffset = _rigidbody.transform.position.y - p.y;
         float initialVelocity = (1 / Mathf.Cos(angle)) * Mathf.Sqrt((0.5f * gravity * Mathf.Pow(distance, 2)) / (distance * Mathf.Tan(angle) + yOffset));
         Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(0, initialVelocity * Mathf.Sin(angle), initialVelocity * Mathf.Cos(angle));
         // Rotate our velocity to match the direction between the two objects
         float angleBetweenObjects = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward, planarTarget - planarPostion) * (p.x > _rigidbody.transform.position.x ? 1 : -1);
         Vector3 finalVelocity = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleBetweenObjects, Vector3.up) * velocity;
         // Fire!
         _rigidbody.velocity = finalVelocity;

my ball never reaches the target because of 2 things:
a) its got a drag value of 1
b) its got a custom gravity script on it that will push the ball down all the time and even more when its falling (velocity.y < 0). here is the snippet for that:

 sphere.velocity += Vector3.up * Physics.gravity.y * (gravity - 2) * Time.deltaTime;
             if (sphere.velocity.y < 0) {
                 sphere.velocity += Vector3.up * Physics.gravity.y * (gravity - 1) * Time.deltaTime;

so my question now is: how can i send the ball with a drag of 1 and this custom gravity script towards a specific target using physics? thanks!

It’s not generally possible unless you are able to simulate all positions that the physics will do during the projectile flight.

Another approach is to calculate the draggy trajectory yourself (solving for the drag, see any general physics textbook), then use _rigidbody.MovePosition( newPosition); to move the Rigidbody through the arc.

By using MovePosition() you will receive all the collisions you expect.