i am trying to get the center of the group of objects, so that i can center the camera to that group and have all subobjects in the screen.
here is the code i am using:
var bound : Bounds= new Bounds(Vector3.zero,Vector3.zero);
//all objects in the group have colliders, so i am using colliders to get bounds
var Colliders = target.GetComponentsInChildren(Collider);
for(var collider : Collider in Colliders){
//if members are not tagged group or microlabel since these are just groups
if(collider.tag!="group" || collider.tag!="microlabel"){
//print the center and size of the new bounding box
Debug.Log("center: " + bound.center.ToString() + " size: " + bound.size.ToString());
//test the center of bounding box by creating the sphere with that position
var sphere : GameObject=GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
//make sphere smaller so it fits the scene and marks more precisely the position
this works fine for group of groups of objects, but it does not calculate the group that only holds objects i have offset by the y axis, what to do? maybe i am missing something? how to calculate this type of thing properly?
ok i guess that i should use the mesh.bounds instead of collider bounds. it is harder to get those i think. can somebody help me replace collider bounds with mesh.bounds in the code i provided. any help appreciated!