I am wondering what the best way to run a function based on health percentage. Example: If enemy is below 70% health, do a cool mechanic.
I have designed the mechanic on my mega boss character, but the way I trigger the mechanic (function) is kind of awful in my eyes. This is how I do it:
//function is updated each time the enemy takes damage
public void DamageEnemy(float damage){
currentHealth -= damage; //HP goes down as the enemy takes damage
if(isMegaBoss){ //check if enemy is a mega boss
if(currentHealth / health <= 0.9f && currentHealth / health >= 0.85f)
else if(currentHealth / health <= 0.7f && currentHealth / health >= 0.65f)
else if(currentHealth / health <= 0.5f && currentHealth / health >= 0.45f)
So as you see, I want to trigger this mechanic each time the boss reaches 90%, 70%, 50% of his health.
But there has to be a better way to check this? I’m bad at math, that’s probably my problem
other then that i can’t think of anything else to clean your code up. (and it’ll fix if he sends out reinforcements twice while inbetween 0.9 and 0.85 health for example)