call a function from inside OnGUI


I’m codding an App made of entire GUI.
For that i use something like this:

void OnGui () {
   if (menu == "main") {
      // show content of menu
   else if (menu == "options") {
      // show content of options

My problem is, i have about 50 menu and my code was getting too long. so every time i want to made something in 2 or 3 menus i need to scroll a lot on my code.
I was thinking on change my code to something like this:

void OnGui () {
   if (menu == "main") {
   else if (menu == "options") {

In that case every menu was a separeted script with only the content of that menu, so if i need to change something in 2 or 3 scripts i just select another window on editor.

But i have no idea how to do this and if this is even possible. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.

Note: Sorry if i wrote something wrong, English is not my usual Language.

You can perfectly do this and there is really nothing special about it, you just need to call the other function.

Well if you get a real long menu you can store all the methods in a different class and use some arrays:

string[]texts = new string[]{"main", "options"};
Rect[] rects;
Action [] actions;

void Start()
   rects = new Rect[texts.Length];
   for(int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++)
       rects _= new Rect(20 * i, 0, 20,20);_

Script s = GetComponent();
actions[0] = s.MethodA;
actions[1] = s.MethodB;
// So on

void OnGUI()
for(int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++)
if(GUI.Button(rects_, texts*)){_

But best would be to use the new system, where only the methods are necessary, the rest is manual placement._

after some hours of tests i came to this:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AppController : MonoBehaviour {
	public Main_Screen Main_Screen;				// Script with the main screen
	public Option_Screen Option_Screen;			// Script with the options screen
	public Language_Screen Language_Screen;		// Script with the language options screen
    public string menu = "main";
	void OnGUI() {   
		if (menu == "main") {
		else if (menu == "options") {
		else if (menu == "language") {

Now on other files i notice i can go on two diferent ways to access another scripts.
Creating a variable for that specific script like this:

public Option_Screen Option_Screen;			// Script with the options screen
public Language_Screen Language_Screen;		// Script with the language options screen

or just creating one for the main script AppController and call the variables and functions like this:

public AppController AppController ;			// main script
if (AppController.Option_Screen.somevariable == "somevalue") {
    // do something

Now the question is, witch way is better?

Sorry again if i wrote something wrong and if those question are to damm borrung and noob.