Call for Cinema 4D test scenes

We are currently working on a direct Cinema 4D importer. (No more manual export to FBX)

It would be very nice if all the people using Cinema 4D could send me their .c4d files they are trying to import. Please also include textures when sending the sample files.

Please use Report to send them in. The files will only be used for internal testing purposes.

A lot is happenning, I’ve been away quite some time!
This is great news, just submitting a scene now.

Hey Boxy great to see you back, let me know when we can revive UniTree again :slight_smile: take care. Jeff

Hi Jeff
Will do, very sorry for all the delays, I think its only been something like a half a year since tree things started happening!! Just when I think I have some free time I don’t…etc
Nice T-shirts BTW :slight_smile:

Wow, I wish I saw this sooner. I’ve haven’t checked the site for awhile.

I would be the happiest Unity user if and when C4D files directly imported into Unity. For the past few days I’ve been chasing my tail trying to find out why I’m having so many problems with textures.

I’m using Cinema 4D 9.52 on a MacBook Pro. I have installed the UB upgrade from Maxon as well. One thing I can’t seem to get working is this.

  1. Create a cube in Cinema 4D with one material created by C4D applied to it to make it red in color.
  2. Export the file in the FBX 6.0 format.
  3. Import the file into Unity.
  4. The cube will import but no color will show on the cube.

If I create a JPG file that is just red in color and use that as the texture in C4D and then export as FBX the cube will import to Unity with the proper color.

What this means is that I can’t currently use the material functions of Cinema 4D in conjunction with Unity. Am I doing something wrong? Is this not supported? I know I can use external programs like Photoshop to make textures and apply them to models…but that cripples Cinema 4D’s capabilities. (and makes me feel I purchased the wrong 3D app)

Anyway, I’d be happy to help out anyway I can. I’ll get to work right away at sending some feedback with the Report Bug app.


I think thats standard procedure with all 3D apps. In Unity you always have to have a texture or use a shader that is in unity. Your never going to be able to use shaders you set up in C4D, Maya or anything else (I could as always be wrong). Jeff

We do import the diffuse color of the material now. So once we get the direct c4d importer in, this will work too.

Have no fear… baked textures are here!

You can add a baked texture (Menu Render → Bake Texture…) to capture effects that may otherwise come from procedural textures. I believe this is the same way you would create bump maps, normal maps, etc. from C4D.