call object from other objects child

Hello i have the following problem:

In this hirachy, i want to call a function of the script “ShapeControll” attached to “gameObject2” from the child “child1”.
gameobject1 (instantiated)

script TriggerChoose is attached to child1 (and2) so it has to react on a MouseOver or OnMouseEnter event.
script ShapeControll is attached to gameObject2 and has several functions.
here i instantiate the Collider from a prefab which is supposed to become a child of gameobject1 ( c.transform.parent = gameobject1.transform;)

the problem is, that this does not work, if the parent of the instantiated object is Gameobject1, however it does work perfectly when i use (c.transform.parent = transform;) instead.
but this way, the instantiated objects dont behave like the rigidbody attached to gameobject1

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TriggerChoose : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject controll;
	public int shape;

	void OnMouseEnter() {

//some functions from the ShapeControll script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ShapeControll: MonoBehaviour {
	public void switchShape(int shape){

	void initiateCollider(int j){
		Vector3 dposition = gameobject1.transform.position+radialPositions[j] ;
		//Vector3 dposition = radialPositions[j] ;
		GameObject c = (GameObject) Instantiate (colliderPrefab, dposition,  Quaternion.identity);
		c.GetComponent<TriggerChoose>().shape = j;
		c.GetComponent<TriggerChoose>().controll = this.gameObject;
		c.transform.parent = transform;

I have the feeling, that the MouseOver or OnMouseEnter functions are not called. Do you have any suggestions?

does nobody have an idea? what is the problem that this does not work? or do you need more information to solve this?