Callback from OnRenderEvent?

Comrades, tell me what’s the matter. There is a code like this:

Side - Unity (c#)

public class TestClass : MonoBehaviour
delegate bool Delegate_InitializeNativeDLL(IntPtr ptr);

delegate IntPtr Delegate_GetRenderEvent();

static InitializeNativeDLL _InitializeCore;

static GetRenderEvent _GetRenderEvent;

static private IntPtr pointerDll   = IntPtr.Zero;

private void Start()
skipped loading library with (LoadLibrary)
               IntPtr func;
               func = GetProcAddress(pointerDll, "InitializeNativeDLL");
               if (func != null)
                   _InitializeNativeDLL= Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<Delegate_InitializeNativeDLL>(func);

               func = GetProcAddress(pointerDll, "GetRenderEventFunc");
               if (func  != null)
                   _GetRenderEvent = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<Delegate_GetRenderEvent>(func);

_InitializeNativeDLL(  Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate<Delegate_GetRenderEvent>(_Callback_FromNative))

// Run function!!!!!!!!!!

static void _Callback_FromNative(IntPtr data)
         Debug.Log("Run UnityFunc from native side");

static public void update_func(int mode)
         GL.IssuePluginEvent(_GetRenderEvent(), mode);

private void OnDestroy()

Side - Native (C++)

typedef void (*_v_function_pv)(void*);

_v_function_pv _callbackTest = nullptr;

extern "C"
   UNITY_INTERFACE_EXPORT bool InitializeNativeDLL(void* _Callback_In)
       _callbackTest = (_v_function_pv)_Callback_In;
       return true;

// Plugin function to handle a specific rendering event
static void UNITY_INTERFACE_API OnRenderEvent(int eventID)
 _callbackTest (nullptr);

// Freely defined function to pass a callback to plugin-specific scripts
   return OnRenderEvent;

At the first start (Start) everything goes fine. DebugLog gives “Run UnityFunc from native side”. But when you want to re-launch (click on play) the editor freezes. You have to force it to terminate and restart Unity.

But, if I remove this line from the native side

// Plugin function to handle a specific rendering event
static void UNITY_INTERFACE_API OnRenderEvent (int eventID)
  // _callbackTest (nullptr);

then everything works fine, nothing crashes.
Even if you run _callbackTest (nullptr) with the InitializeNativeDLL function. Everything is OK. But it is worth moving to OnRenderEvent (int eventID) problems begin. Although the first launch goes well.

I’ve never used the UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute with Unity so I don’t have experience with it.

Have you tried doing the interop with the native plugin system, i.e, the DLLImportAttribute?

Here’s how I do it for my native C games in KurtMaster2D:

Once I got the signatures and ownership of memory correct, it works on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android flawlessly.

Thanks:), I will try to implement it through DLLImportAttribute.

Here’s also one more interop linkage thing I saw posted recently by user @Zer0Cool :

It might prove handy in your integrations, not sure. It is to call C# functions directly from C++, and again I caveat that I did not believe you could do that until reading the above, and personally I have not tried it myself, so YMMV.