edit nevermind, ended up using something else instead of mediation.
The two callbacks for OnLoaded and OnFailedLoad work properly, the ad shows, but none of the other subscribed events get called.
OnShowed, OnFailedShow, OnUserReward, and OnClosed never get called…
Unity 2021.3.16f1, latest ads with mediation as of yesterday. Testing on device. Does it matter that the ads are in test mode?
async Task ShowAd(string adName)
// Instantiate a rewarded ad object with platform-specific Ad Unit ID
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
rewardedAd = MediationService.Instance.CreateRewardedAd(adName);
// Subscribe callback methods to load events:
rewardedAd.OnLoaded += AdLoaded; //works
rewardedAd.OnFailedLoad += AdFailedToLoad; //works
// Subscribe callback methods to show events:
rewardedAd.OnShowed += AdShown; //doesn't work
rewardedAd.OnFailedShow += AdFailedToShow; //doesn't work
rewardedAd.OnUserRewarded += UserRewarded; //doesn't work
rewardedAd.OnClosed += AdClosed; //doesn't work
else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(iosAdUnitId);
// Load an ad:
await rewardedAd.LoadAsync();
if (rewardedAd.AdState == AdState.Loaded)
await rewardedAd.ShowAsync(); //ad does show
catch (Exception e)
// Here our load failed.