Calling a C# function from a Javascript

I have 3 scripts: GameControl.js, DataManager.cs and GamePause.js.

The GameControl script is in the folder “Plugins”.

public var currentXP : int = 0;
public var maxXP : int = 10;
public var currentLevel : int = 1;

public var currentHealth : float = 45;
public var maxHealth : int = 45;

public var currentEnergy : float = 27;
public var maxEnergy : int = 27;

public var currentStrengh : int = 15;
private var maxStrengh : int = 650;

public var currentAttack : int = 11;
private var maxAttack : int = 670;

public var currentDefense : int = 20;
private var maxDefense : int = 760;

private var currentStamina : float = 25;
public var maxStamina : int = 25;

public var currentCritical : int = 5;
private var maxCritical : int = 100;

public var currentSpeed : int = 12;
private var maxSpeed : int = 690;

public var currentHP : float = 15;
public var maxHP : int = 15;

//more stuff...

The DataManager script makes like a Save and Load System, and is located in a normal folder, but this need some variables from GameControl script.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class DataManager : MonoBehaviour
	public static DataManager dataSaveAndLoad;

	GameControl dataVariables;

	float healthData;
	int maxHealthData;
	int experienceData;
	int maxExperienceData;
	int levelData;
	float energyData;
	int maxEnergyData;
	int attackData;
	int strenghData;
	int defenseData;
	int maxStaminaData;
	int criticalData;
	int speedData;
	float HPData;
	int maxHPData;

	void Start ()
		dataVariables =	GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<GameControl>();

	void Update ()
		healthData = dataVariables.currentHealth;
		maxHealthData = dataVariables.maxHealth;
		experienceData = dataVariables.currentXP;
		maxExperienceData = dataVariables.maxXP;
		levelData = dataVariables.currentLevel;
		energyData = dataVariables.currentEnergy;
		maxEnergyData = dataVariables.maxEnergy;
		attackData = dataVariables.currentAttack;
		strenghData = dataVariables.currentStrengh;
		defenseData = dataVariables.currentDefense;
		maxStaminaData = dataVariables.maxStamina;
		criticalData = dataVariables.currentCritical;
		speedData = dataVariables.currentSpeed;
		HPData = dataVariables.currentHP;
		maxHPData = dataVariables.maxHP;

	public void Save()
	public void Load()

The problem is…
How to call a C# function/void from a Javascript?
The GamePause have some GUIButtons, and from this script call the DataManager functions/voids.

private var isPause : boolean = false;
private var pauseWindow = new Rect (20,20,300,150);

function Start ()
	pauseWindow = new Rect (20,20,300,150);

function Update ()
		isPause = !isPause;
		if(isPause == true)
			Time.timeScale = 0;
			Screen.showCursor = true;
		if(isPause == false)
			Time.timeScale = 1;
			Screen.showCursor = false;

function OnGUI ()
	if(isPause == true)
		pauseWindow = GUI.Window(0,pauseWindow,PauseMenu,"Pausa");
	if(isPause == false)
		Time.timeScale = 1;
		Screen.showCursor = false;

function PauseMenu ()
		isPause = false;
	GUILayout.Button("Save"); //Call Save void
	GUILayout.Button("Load"); //Call Load void
	GUILayout.Button("Game Settings");
	if(GUILayout.Button("Main Menu"))

Ther should be no issue. You call the C# function just like you would call a UnityScript function.


Communicating between the two languages is painful, and best avoided.

It relies a lot on script compilation order. The script to be accessed (in this case DataManager) must be compiled first. So put DataManager in the plugins folder. Put GameControl and PauseControl in standard folders. Things should all work then.

But a better solution would be to rewrite all scripts into your chosen language.

Please USE SendMessage with params.

This is the correct way to call a Remote Procedure Call.

Other solution for this is using just one languaje but this will do.

Dont mess with putting scripts in plugins and stuff, it is HELL.

Learn this and suffer no more: