Essentially, what I want to do is have an function in one script, have another script add a reference to it’s own function in the first script on Start(), so that whenever I call the function in the first script with a few arguments the function then sends those arguments to the function in the other script.
Here’s how I want it to work (in pseudo-javascript)
function DoSomething(){
//stuff happens
otherGameObject.GetComponent("Interface").Interact(player, 123.0f, "foo");
and then in the Interface script in otherGameObject
public ActualFunction : function;
function Interact(a:viewID, b:float, c:String){
and last, the other script in otherGameObject
function Start(){
Interface.ActualFunction = MyFunction;
function MyFunction(a:viewID, b:float, c:String){
I’m okay with using c# as well if that would be easier.
Well, what you want is a delegate. As far as i know it’s also possible in UnityScript now, but don’t ask me for the syntax
In C# you would do something like that:
// define our delegate type
public delegate void MyDelegate(NetworkViewID a, float b, string c);
public class Interface : MonoBehaviour
public MyDelegate ActualFunction;
public void Interact(NetworkViewID a, float b, string c)
if (ActualFunction != null)
Never use the string version of GetComponent. In UnityScript, just write the component’s name without “”: