Calling a ObjC function from Unity

Hey guys, I’m implementing an in-app purchasing system, and I’m at the last stage. All the code is ready in xcode, all I have to do is run this function when you click on the buy button in my app:

-(IBAction) buyDeluxe:(id)sender
	[[MKStoreManager sharedManager] buyMiracleDeluxe];

Unfortunately I have no clue how to do that. I’ve been working with the guy who developed this storekit code, and he said all I have to do is call this function.

There are instructions on calling functions at the following site:

Since I am using Unity basic, I obviously need to go with the second solution:

   String.Format("AwesomeCommand|{0}|{1}", awesome1, awesome2));

But I don’t quite understand this part:

Can anyone give me a hand on how to integrate this? I’m pretty lost when it comes to objC.

No one knows? Or is it a stupid question? (I’m prone to them from time to time)

You can look at the Poor Monkey Framework for an idea what the article is actually talking about.

Just having your code up there will not do anything as you need a constantly running function on the objc side that check that string for commands and reacts upon them