Hi, I’m making an iOS game (with Unity!) about how ridiculously hard it is to get noticed in the world of apps nowadays. In my game, you basically have to battle flappy bird clones and one-star reviews. More screenshots and more details here.
The part that will be of most interest to you is that I have a scrolling background of the icons of apps that have fallen by the wayside. Some of them are my own apps, some of them are fake apps. But I thought it’d be fun to open it up to other developers like me who are very proud of their games but never (or barely) got noticed.
So the quick breakdown:
The good:
Your app gets some free exposure!
The unfortunate:
Per what I’ve heard about Apple’s Review Guidelines, I don’t think I can actually link to your app from my game. However, I will have a link to my website that will list all of the other developers’ apps displayed in my background.
Furthermore, there’s a chance my game gets flat-out rejected because I’m displaying apps other than my own. I hope that’s not the case, but it could happen, especially in light of the fact that…
The risk:
My game is making fun of Apple. They may hate me (and, by association, you!) for poking fun at them.
If you’re still interested, here’s what I’d need from you if you’d like to be included in my game’s background:
Your App Icon
-Format: .png
-Size: 512x512 (I’ll shrink it down for the various different sprite sheets for the different devices)
-Prerounded, if possible: (Like how it’d look on an actual iOS device) I’d prefer this just to make my job go a little faster. -
Your App Title
-This may get truncated if it’s too long and doesn’t fit in my graphic -
Your App Price
-Hopefully it’s free thru–> 2.99 so that I don’t have to make more art, haha! -
Your/Your Company’s Name
-I’ll display this on my website next to your app in the list of Other Developers’ Games featured in my background
Feel free to email me. Please mention “Icon for BG” in the subject. Or you can just post it on this forum if you’d like. By posting/email me this information, you agree that you own the artwork and are cool with me sticking it in my game as part of the background.
I have no idea how many (if any) of you will be interested in this. I’ll be doing a “first come, first serve” approach since I don’t have unlimited texture space. For now, if you have developed multiple games, I’ll limit you to just one of your apps. But if hardly anyone is interested in doing this, I’ll accept multiple app icons from the same person.
Thanks for your time! By the way, I wish I could promise you that my game will become wildly popular and that your app will in turn receive tons of exposure. But we all know that’s unlikely, so this is mostly for fun.