Calling All Multiplayer Game Devs Using Netcode for Entities!

Hey Unity developers! We’re looking for game developers who have experience with Netcode for Entities to participate in a 45-minute user research session focused on Netcode for Entities tooling workflows.

Your feedback will help us improve the tools and workflows for multiplayer game development in Unity! This is a great opportunity to influence the future of Netcode for Entities and ensure it meets the needs of developers like you.

If you’re interested, complete this quick screener survey, and someone from our team will reach out if you’re a good fit.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Sign up before end of February!

Thanks for helping us make better tools for multiplayer game development!

Yes, i KNOW that is is kinda unrelated BUT… when I was playing around with unity’s networking, I ran into a issue where the first client that joined could move their box, but the other could not… any fixes?

Hello, I recommend creating a new topic to ensure this issue gets the proper attention. Thank you!