I want to call a function in CombineChildren.cs called CallCombineOnAllChilds()from another script when 1000 objects have been instantiated, the Instantiation and CombineChildren.cs scripts are both on the parent object.
I link the script with this global variable :
var cbn : CombineChildren;
and after the instantiate loop i++
I do this code :
if ( i == 1000);{
and it says I have a code error.
I also tried various other syntaxes-what can I do?
access cs from js shows some interesting things:
Script_compilation Basically, if you don’t have a .cs in your plugins folder you’re going to have a hard time accessing it from a .js file.
How do you access a cs file class from javascript
From Cross Script Communication:
Although frankly you’re better off sticking to one language in most cases.
All that from one google search. 
ok it works, i needed to use the script specific to the root object and to use the combine instead of combineallchilds: and not write if (i==65000);{
var other : CombineChildren;
other = gameObject.GetComponent(CombineChildren);
update -
if ( Input.GetKeyDown("y") ){