Hey all, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around polymorphism, inheritance, and all this OOP nonsense. I come from a procedural scripting background so my gut instincts are all wrong when trying to do some actual programming.
The framework I’m attempting is sort of a hierarchy. The Entity class is like the nervous system, and gives the other components easy access to each other, as well as telling the components when to act so I can control the order in which things happen. There’s Movement and Brain (controls for the player, AI for enemies) base classes, and inherited classes created (Move_Human, Brain_Player) under those.
My Entity class has no subclasses, and it’s variables are typed as the Base classes for movement and brain. When the entity calls a method from an attached Move_Human component, The Movement script is what actually runs it’s method.
How the heck do I run the inherited methods rather than the base methods?
The example code below prints out “Movement says HI!”. There’s a single game object with an Entity and a Move_Human component applied.
public class Entity : MonoBehaviour {
public Movement myMove;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myMove = gameObject.GetComponent<Movement>();
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour {
public void sayHi(){
Debug.Log("Movement says HI!");
public class Move_Human : Movement {
void sayHi(){
Debug.Log("Move_Human says HI!");
Also, can anyone recommend resources to untrain my brain of it’s procedural ways?
Thanks -
Chris Luckenbach