I would like to have a camera within a glass sphere where the sphere revolves but the camera doesn’t (ie. it only looks to the right or left using the MouseLook script). What I’m managing to get is motion sickness from the rotation as the sphere rolls downhill and bumps into things. Not good.
Any suggestions are welcome.
How about Dramamine?
You might want to try the default Smooth Follow camera, or if it does not suit your design, look at its script and see how the problem is approached there.
Hopefully you will find your solution in the smooth follow camera.
BTW: As I understand it, this problem is often solved by moving the camera slightly later than the target object moves, this creates a slight delay and gives you the opportunity for math that basically averages out the camera’s movement. Camera code is a pain, in my opinion, but here’s a thread on gamedev.net that might be helpful if you are into it:
Went back into the FirstPersonController, added the MainCamera to it, took out the controllers, adding a SphereCollider, and Rigidbody and kept the MouseLook scripts.
The camera stays level, the whole thing acts like a sphere (moving and bouncing down the hill). Now to see if I can put a shell over the front… maybe by animating it in Maya and attaching it to the camera.
Thanks for the reply, Caitlyn. It pushed me in the right direction.