Camera animations in maya?

Hi, does somebody have an idea how to achieve the best results to set up camera animations which was made in maya? Does unity support the cameras transform correctly? Whats with baked animation from maya?

Any experience on that topic? Thanks a lot.

I run out in something similar,I couldn't import cameras, I just animated the camera in (max) but as a child of a box. A cone to be precise. And then I used this mesh in unity to make it parent of a unity camera. That way I had my camera paths in these "dummy cones".

Oh yeah thanks. Ive just find that out. So all my camera-animations are baked in maya e.g between frame 1 and 400. After importing it in unity, i have selected the animation-component and at the bottom ive splitted my 3 camera animations to the specific frames and applied. But now after running the game mode, im wondering why these three animations dont run consecutifly all after all?