Camera broken (Answer)

!(http://C:\Users\HP\Pictures\How do i fix it.png) guys how do i fix camera being broken. i accidentally click 2 which it turn into 2d. but i clicked 2 again and it was fine until the 3D camera is broken. help. how do i fix this camera.

please help me. dont say clipping plane because i set it to 0.1 and it still doesnt work. help

nevermind i had to upgrade unity 2020 to Unity 2021

Generally this is a result of way too much scrollwheel zooming in and out.

The fix it to select ANY GameObject and press F over the Scene window to focus. This resets the Scene camera.

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thats ok i just fixed it by switching the verson 2020 to 2021

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solved. all you have to do is just close scene tab and reopen scene tab. it will definitely look good