Camera distortion and objects lighting up

Hi all,

I’m new-ish to game development and currently running into an issue with some random distortion on the edge of the screen.

As you can see in the pictures it’s weirdly at the bottom of the screendistorted, I think it’s a camera thing but I’m not quite sure on how to fix is. Also, suddenly objects light up on certain camera positions, which I think they are not supposed to do.

I’m using CineMachine to follow my player and don’t seem to have this problem without CineMachine.

Does anyone have any idea what’s causing this? And how to fix it?

The distortion you’re seeing on the edge of the screen in your game is likely caused by a combination of factors related to the camera and rendering settings in Unity.

A wide field of view (FOV) can cause distortion at the edges of the screen, especially when using perspective projection. This is because the perspective projection tries to simulate how the human eye sees, which naturally curves at the edges.
Solution: Try lowering the camera’s FOV to reduce the distortion. A common range for FOV in games is between 60 and 90 degrees.

it’s the near clipping plane on your camera, make it a lower number like .01