I’m new to the forum and I hope this isn’t an often asked question. I have a camera following an object falling from the sky at a high y axis. The reason being, is I want to be able to see the ground the whole time the object is falling for a top/above perspective. In order to do this I have to set the far clip plane to a high number. The problem is, when the object gets closer to the ground, the ground starts to show through in parts where the ground is higher. I’m guessing because of the far clip plane. Anyone have a solution to this? I’m sure its an easy fix. I’m just a noob.
Also it shows the camera following behind the object in the scene view but in the game view the ground doesnt ever get any closer. Any ideas on this also?
Hi, Kyndrid - welcome to the forum!
I’m fairly sure nobody has ever asked this question before 
I’m not quite sure what is happening in your scene. Are you saying that there are mountains on the terrain that become visible because they poke through the far clip plane? Maybe you just need to set the plane even farther away.
If the camera is very high, then the view might not change very much even though the camera is falling (pictures of skydivers often make it look as though they are hardly moving). How high is the falling object at the start?
The falling objects y axis is set to 4100. At that height if I don’t turn on the orthographic in the camera view then I can’t see my terrain until I get to around 1000 or a little lower.
So I turned on the orthographic setting and increased the far clip plane to the same amount that my object is set to, 4100.
I have the camera following the object all the way to the ground but when the object/camera gets closer to the ground a mountain on my terrain that I could see fine the whole way down seems to get cut in half allowing me to start seeing the ocean. I thought this might have something to do with the far clip plane but I could be totally wrong.
LOL it might be easier for you to help me figure out a way to make an object fall to the ground from a high distance and have a camera follow it all the way down to the ground. Just like a skydiver.
Thank you for replying btw.
If you have an orthographic camera, then the ground will be the same size regardless of how far away it is. You need a perspective camera if you want the ground to get “bigger” as the camera falls.
The problem you are having with the mountains isn’t the far clip plane, but it could be the near clip plane - how far away is the near plane set?
My near clip plane is 0.3, I think this was the default setting.
How would I make it so I could also see the ground the whole way down from the perspective camera? When ever I used the perspective camera and was dropping from such a height, it would be black most of the way down until around 1000 or so.
The reason the screen is mostly empty is because of the great distance between the camera and the ground object, which is probably not all that big in comparison. One thing you could try is narrowing the camera’s field of view. This will prevent distant objects being reduced in size quite as much, but will still give you the perspective effect. You can narrow the FOV as the camera gets closer to the ground if you find the ground start to look too big as it looms into view.