I am rather new to Unity and C# so please bear with me. I am making a 3d game where the camera follows the player. I can get this to work just fine. My problem is I want the player to always be looking at the target no matter how the player rotates, similar to “Ball Cam” in Rocket League. I can get the camera to look at the target, but then the player goes out of view. I can’t figure out how to get the camera to rotate around the player to keep the player in view while looking at the target. Thanks for any help.
Good day.
Then you must change the pivot point of the camera. You can easy do this by creating a new empty Gameobject, and make the camera child of this new object.
If this new object have the center at the player, and the camera with an offset Localposition (relative to its parent), when rotate the new object, and not the camera itself the camera will rottate “arround the player”
Accept the answe if helped